Saturday, April 3, 2010


Je alrite, so this is a blog. So am I going to bug you with all my thoughts? Even though it's therapy to sit and rant online I will try to make it more interesting than my own pathetic issues. And I want to add content as time goes by, even if that is jinxing it by saying it.  But omg I got a blog. Fasten your seatbelts this could get ugly.


  1. So this is my blog. I don't even know what to write. I heard about the morgellons that they are nasty parasitic nano beings that grows inside you, changes and in the end crawl out of your skin, and turn into tiny black flies buzzing around your head. Nice, I want them now! ..

  2. These morgellons are ultra nanobiological threads that are small phollicles that are sprayed across the skies, known as chemtrails. They tried to fly with a chemplane into China, but they threatened to shoot it down.

  3. There could be phenomenons we thinkn are paranormal that is caused by ultra-terrestrials. -Beings that are dimensional and that are able to shape shift and manouvre between what we can sense.

  4. The morgellons can be used in mass scale to immobilize the population. That could be the zombie apocalypse with skin hanging from our bodies and faces, and a black cloud of flies swirming around us. We'd look like dead zombies, like the bible describes, that were to be walking around approaching the Great Tribulation

  5. oh, now I've logged into my blog and can write new things, not just comment. Lol *blond*
